Please read my disclosure for more info. Not all women like wearing long nails, and they always have a reason to cut their nails short. Maybe because short tips are natural and more practical, or you don’t want to cut yourself and deal with a broken nail! No matter what the reasons are, you can
5 Free Weight Loss Plans That Actually Work
Looking for weight loss plans that are perfect for a beginner? Or want a plan that helps you slim down without draining your bank account? Lucky you! Because there are plans on the web that help you feel fit and lose weight for free. You know anything that “free” is sometimes just a strategy they
9 Natural Home Remedies for Cold and Flu Relief
Please read my disclosure for more info. If you have one or more of these symptoms, sneezing, a runny nose, sore throat, fever, watery eyes, chills, mild headache, and nasal congestion, then definitely you got the common cold. Being sick isn’t fun, and those symptoms can make you feel miserable even though you have already
5 Easy DIY Natural Deodorant Recipes for Healthy Pits
What’s wrong with the regular deodorant that people always buy at the drugstore? Why there’s a need to make a DIY natural deodorant? Is this natural deodorant really work? That’s probably what you think once you see the title of DIY natural deodorant either on Pinterest or other platforms. A little explanation about conventional deodorant
30 Creative Things To Do When You Are Bored
There’s always a day where you find yourself with not so much to do. And it usually happens when you already watch many of your favorite movies on Netflix or youtube, read a lot of books or spend a lot of your time just scrolling on social media then you ended up finding yourself looking
5 Easy Homemade Body Scrubs for Smooth Skin
Homemade body scrubs are perfect if you are new to DIY skincare and like knowing what you put on your skin. Exfoliating your body regularly is really important, it helps to remove dead skin cells and impurities from the surface of your skin. The results from exfoliating are your skin will smoother, firmer, and more
5 Best Apps To Buy And Sell Clothes
Your closet can be your first option if you want to make extra money. That’s why I’m here with a list of the best apps to buy and sell clothes. I know that sometimes we buy clothes because it’s on sale or we thought the design is cute, classy or cool. It’s an impulsive act
5 Workout Apps That Perfect For Your Daily Exercise
If you decide to get healthier or you want to cut off those extra pounds ahead of the holiday, your smartphone can be extremely helpful to search workout apps for beginners. Apps will make exercise easier because you don’t need to go to the gym and have monthly gym memberships and pay for personal training